For Patients

If you wish to claim Medicare rebates you need a valid referral for all our tests, with the exception of the 24 hour Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitor, for which there is no Medicare rebate. A valid referral can be for 12 months from your General practitioner or 3 months from a Specialist. If you do not have a valid referral you will be liable for the entire payment of services.
Making Appointments
Once the decision has been made in consultation with your GP or another referring doctor to seek advice or treatment from a cardiologist patients call to make their own appointments.
In cases deemed urgent by the referring doctor, the doctor can phone us directly and we will endeavour to provide an appointment at short notice.
Attending Our Rooms
Make sure you have a valid referral. This will ensure you can claim Medicare rebates and informs the cardiologist of the background to your condition.
Bring your Medicare card to the appointment .
If you are attending for the first time please arrive 15 minutes early to fill out the patient information sheet. Alternatively you can download the Patient Information Sheet and fill it out before attending the clinic, making sure to bring it with you.
Have a list of what medications you currently are taking.
Bring any previous pathology or reports pertaining to your condition to the appointment.
We recognize that your time is valuable, and we make every effort to run on time. Occasionally emergencies or patients require a little more time, and these cause scheduling delays beyond our control. We apologize if we keep you waiting

Cancellation and Non-attendance Policy
We understand that plans change and appointments need to be rescheduled or cancelled. Wherever possible, we ask that scheduled appointments be cancelled at the earliest opportunity, and preferably 48 hours before the appointment time.
Our team of health professionals want to be available for the needs of you and all of our patients. We endeavour to contact each patient to confirm your appointment and attendance, or leave a message reminding you of appointment time and location should we not be able to contact you. Providing 48 hours notice allows us to offer your appointment to another patient who may need to see a doctor more urgently.
When a patient does not show for a scheduled appointment, it means that another patient loses an opportunity to be seen. In an attempt to avoid this, we have a non-attendance policy.
If you wish to cancel your scheduled appointment, please contact Peninsula Cardiology Group at least 48 hours prior to you appointment on 02 9982 8300 or by emailing
Non Attendance Fees
- Patients not attending a scheduled appointment will be charged a non-attendance fee
- The non-attendance fee for an appointment is currently $100.00
- Please note no subsequent appointments will be booked until the non-attendance fee is settled
- Any subsequent appointments after a non-attendance will need to be pre-paid. This payment will be forfeited if you do not attend for a second time.
How much will my test cost?
Please phone and our receptionist will outline charges for your test and the applicable Medicare rebates. We do not bulk bill.
Full payment is expected on the day of your appointment.
Payment can be made in cash, cheque or by credit card.
All Medicare accounts can be processed immediately at our rooms so that you can receive your Medicare rebate directly into your nominated account normally within 24 hours.

Our doctors and staff are passionate about being first choice in cardiology for patients and referring doctors. We apply a culture of continuous learning and improvement to all aspects of our services, with patient well being as the focus of all our activity.
If you feel there are instances where we could have done better we would welcome your feedback. Your concerns will always be treated respectfully and resolved promptly. Issues should be raised with your treating cardiologist or Practice Manager or emailed to our Business Manager on